10 Great plants for Long term Flowering
1 Geranium psilostemon - easily the most dramatic cranesbill, it produces startling, black-eyed, magenta flowers from May until October.

2 Polemonium ‘Bressingham Purple’ - new Jacob’s ladder with dark-chocolate leaves and deep blue flowers. Sterile hybrid so continues to flower until the frosts.

3 Astrantia major - there is a wealth of new varieties in pink and dark crimson or try growing your own from seed. The bracts last for months and new flowers appear from May till October.

4 Euphorbia griffithii ‘Fireglow’ - Rampant magnificent fiery-orange and bronze bracts and foliage.

5 Epilobium angustifolium ‘Album’ and ‘Stahl Rose’ Again rampant tall spires of this white or soft-pink willow herb go on for ages.

6 Carex elata ‘Aurea’ - the vivid yellow fountains of ‘Mr Bowles Golden Sedge’ light up the whole garden for months.

7 Nepeta x faassenii - catmint is a stalwart ingredient of any summer mix. It bursts into flower with a swoosh in May, it will go on for months, especially with the benefit of a haircut in the middle of June.

8 Scabiosa ochroleuca and Knautia macedonica - all scabious are long-flowering. Literally hundreds of pin-cushion flowers are produced. Dead-heading is unnecessary as the seedheads are charming and they constitute important food for finches.

9 Geum ‘Prinses Juliana’ - as bright an orange as orange can be, a multitude of flowers, constantly renewed. As the older stems spread out new, vivid flowers shoot from the centre with a Roman-candle effect.

10 Anthemis tinctoria ‘E C Buxton’ - luscious lemon daisies on big bushy plants. Take the shears to it if it gets out of hand. It will recover immediately and be back in flower within weeks.

Contact anewgarden for more info on planting.
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